I finished another corner of my veil/festooned/lace thingy last night. I only have around 4 inches of the edge to complete now but I am searching for the right piece of lace to fit in there. I can't just add any only tat can I. I didn't feel like rummaging last night, I was cosy and chilled on the sofa so I picked up my wrapping cloth and added a zillion bullion knots to a seam...I think someone asked me what I was going to use this veil thingy for. The answer is nothing. It will just sit beautifully on my bed.
I feel slightly 'un focused' today....does that make sense? Like I need a challenge...like I want something new...not that I have a clue what I need or want or am searching for. The answer? Probably to put the kettle on.....