When I was a little girl I loved going to my nanna's and rooting through the drawers in her sideboard. There was all kinds of magical stuff in there. Old buttons, cutlery, balls of thread and wool and sometimes even some ''old'' money, dirty thruppenny bits...do you remember those? Well now I can do it at home and I was doing it last night. I have so many boxes and tins in the house I could open a shop. Last night I was looking for something and also looking for somewhere to put a lot of scraps that I couldn't possibly bear to part with. That's why this box is out. This is a very old box. I bought it a while ago at an antique place. It only cost me pennies but it is so precious. Inside were two pieces of original documentation which I have kept.It is made from heavy duty cardboard, nothing fancy yet it has stood the test of time rather well I think.
Anyway I hear you say, ''what's that got to do with embroidery?'' well nothing much except there are snippets of lace in there, some prairie points, cloth hexagons, cut up cross stitch...even a couple of tiny ball buttons I made. That's enough reason for me to go off and root some more!!
(metallic silk tissue news....I am waiting for a phone call. Fingers, toes and eyes firmly crossed!)
Phrasal Verb: Root around
Meaning: Look in a place to try to find something
Example: I ROOTED AROUND my flat trying to find the letter.