Practicing with loops continues.....these samples will be invaluable when I make my next wrapping cloth. I can imagine the seams now, trust me....there will be loops! I have the sample from earlier in the week with the trim added, I have this one and there are plans for more. I am actually excited about the possibilities of recording these, storing them. In a ledger? mounted on a sheet? together? separately? I really don't know yet.
If you didn't pop round yesterday then you missed a video. You can still watch it if you want to...and also......If you watched the video from January 8th then the person who will recieve the fabric I am giving away is Peggy....postal details please Peggy.
Finally....In the last picture you can see a muslin face cloth. That was part of a gift I received at Christmas with cream, face wash etc. Will I be using it for my face? What do you think? Not a's going in my muslin thingy.....when it gets finished.