Befuddled of Lancashire here.....oh my, so much to do, brain not operating normally, chiropodist this afternoon, the feet need work now the roots are done. It's a never ending round of body repair, can't imagine how the glamour models find the time and I did hear mention of shoes.....what are they? As of now I am more repair or titivation of myself. Take me as you find me, can't be bothered, haven't got the time.
My time is best spent with this....white, cloth, stitch, embroidery, adornment, embellishment, encouraging my girls, gazing at gorgeous cloth. Don't you agree? There was mention of a convent yesterday in the comments. Aren't there convents where you spend all day embroidering cloth? I'm sure there are, get my name down. Last night was white again, work that is yet to be damp stretched. Little circles of knots and webs that will be added to this work...