Remember I said you would be seeing a lot of this kind of thing...the white lace/scrim/embroidered/festooned thing? Don't say you weren't warned. Last nights effort was cutwork, delicate lace in the holes and a little extra buttonhole stitch to create the softer, looser edges. This will continue this evening too so goodness knows what I am going to show you tomorrow. It may be time to scavenge for old sketchbooks or something...look back through my old blog for images I can hope you have forgotten about. Perhaps I could re visit the past in a nostalgic way...... just re post and old post. Would that be cheating? Most likely yes.
I could always just not bother tomorrow I hear you say...not a chance. I get know I do!
I also fear that it's time for the naughty step again. I couldn't possibly tell you what time I went to bed last night you would recoil in horror. Safe to say I was late getting up this morning so my plans have gone awry. Thing is I love to stay up late but I NEED to get up early to get things done. I think it's time my little boy came back from his commitment to get him to work in the morning means I have no choice but to get myself out of bed....come home James...pretty please.