It is different I promise. If you watch the video you will see. The video is only 2 minutes long....
I have decided to call this my veil...not cobweb. I have an aversion to spiders. I am not talking about veil in the wedding sense either. You will see that I am indulging my love 0f definitions again but with a reason. Note the alternative definitions.......
a piece of opaque or transparent material worn over the facefor concealment, for protection from the elements, or toenhance the appearance.
a piece of material worn so as to fall over the head andshoulders on each side of the face, forming a part of theheaddress of a nun.
the life of a nun, especially a cloistered life.
something that covers, separates, screens, or conceals: aveil of smoke; the veil of death.
a mask, disguise, or pretense: to find fault under a veil ofhumor.